TEA4U Earl Grey Black Tea. 25 Teabags in foil envelopes.

Price: $8.50

Quantity: 1 + -


Introducing TEA4U Earl Grey Black Tea - 25 Teavana tea bags, sealed for freshness. Our blend combines carefully selected black tea with the invigorating aroma of bergamot, resulting in a truly remarkable cup of tea. Simple and convenient to brew, our tea bags bring out the rich flavors of the black tea while allowing the fragrant notes of bergamot to infuse. Crafted with dedication and precision, this exquisite blend guarantees a delightful tea-drinking experience. Whether in solitude or among friends, immerse yourself in the captivating aroma and satisfying flavors of TEA4U Earl Grey Black Tea.

  • Description

    Introducing TEA4U Earl Grey Black Tea - 25 Teavana tea bags, sealed for freshness. Our blend combines carefully selected black tea with the invigorating aroma of bergamot, resulting in a truly remarkable cup of tea. Simple and convenient to brew, our tea bags bring out the rich flavors of the black tea while allowing the fragrant notes of bergamot to infuse. Crafted with dedication and precision, this exquisite blend guarantees a delightful tea-drinking experience. Whether in solitude or among friends, immerse yourself in the captivating aroma and satisfying flavors of TEA4U Earl Grey Black Tea.